Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sunlight in the Darkness

Image result for Philippine independence day     It is better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the day of your life. One of the national holidays we annually celebrate in our country is the Independence day. What do we mean by Independence? Why is it important to celebrate this holiday? 
        Based on the dictionary, independence is the state or quality of being independent. It is the freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like of others. Filipinos annually celebrate the Philippines' independence day every 12th of June. It is when we are proclaimed to be an independent country and free from the hands of those country who colonized us. I think the main reason why we are celebrating this is to recognize and remember the bravery of our heroes. We all know that they sacrificed a lot just to make this country a free land. They did a lot of heroic efforts to save the Philippines from the colonization of merciless countries. Therefore, we the Filipinos must be very grateful.
         We should think that by simply celebrating the Independence day, we are already giving respect and honor to our heroes. We owe them our freedom and to be able to pay them back we must continue caring and loving our country.

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