Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Letter to the President

July 24, 2018

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Malacañang Palace Compund
J.P. Laurel St., San Miguel, Manila The Philippines

       First of all I want to congratulate you for being the President of our country, the Philippines. Being a president and father to all  Filipinos must be really hard and burdensome. I am just a junior high school student and at the same time a student-leader It's quite hard for me to lead an organization, how much more in being the President of a country?
       People differ from each other, we have our own abilities and flaws. Everyone of us has our own bad sides and commit mistakes and being the father you must show us a good attitude. Your personality reflects to us. ever since you became our President, people won't forget your line "Change is coming".

        It's true , a lot of changes happened in our nation; in a negative and positive ways. Your way in disciplining and the way you talk is kind of different but nevertheless we should accept and respect it. All of us want to live in a better and safer place and I am grateful that you are trying to do your best to be a great leader in this nation. 

         I hope you the best sir! May continue your journey very well and serve us as far as you can. Thank you and have a good day Sir!

            Respectfully yours, 
Lynel Joy T. Rodillas